The 30 day challenge is progressing. I've stopped waking up at 1 a.m. eager to post my painting early so it will show up in the first 50 or so paintings on Leslie Saeta's blog (not that it makes any difference to anyone but me).
"Golden" 6x6 oil on panel |
"Don't Tread on Me" 6x6 oil on panel |
I am still on track and have tomorrow's painting ready to post, although the one after that is another story.
I started a painting on day 4 of the Qiang Huang workshop but it is not finished and I'm struggling with the "modeling and consolidation" phases of the painting.
Over all I was delighted with my paintings from the workshop. I did 3 still life paintings that were among the best I think I've ever done. My husband paid me the best compliment when he said one of them looked like Qiang's style - a standard I would love to strive for.
Here are the one's I did on day 2 and day 3 of the workshop. I will show you day 4 when and if I manage to finish it.
"Moonshine Jug and Fruit" 8x8 oil on panel |
"Birdhouse and Fruit" 8x8 oil on panel |
The next workshop I'm signed up for right now is the Nancy Tankersley workshop which will be in Austin in March. Her workshop will be on "Keeping it Fresh - Painting Figures from Photos". I can't wait!